Safe Camp

The AISES events and activities are a “Safe Camp,” meaning they are a welcoming, inclusive, supportive, and safe environment for all our AISES family members regardless of race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, or gender expression/identity. Safe Camp includes recognizing the AISES Code of Conduct and anyone found violating the code will be asked to leave the event or activity immediately. Please contact any AISES staff member or board member if you have any questions.

What is Safe Camp

Whether you're a first-timer or a veteran at the AISES Conference, there are resources available for everyone at the Safe Camp Zone. Need a private zone to take refuge? Need to locate all gender restrooms? Need more resources to report a suspicious person? Volunteers and security are nearby for additional support, located at the West Registration Lobby. Here, you will find lots of useful information to make your time in San Antonio and at the Conference more comfortable.

Safe Camp Enhanced 

This year AISES is enhancing our dedication to being a Safe Camp for everyone as we are in San Antonio, Texas. The below information that AISES is providing is to ensure physical safety of our attendees as well as a safe environment, where everyone can focus their energy on collaborating and sustaining indigenous innovation.

Safe Camp

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